Hey Friends,
I hope you enjoyed reading my previous blog posts on comfort zones and faking it.
We are now four months away from a new year. I thought I’d share how we can still make some changes in this last quarter of the year. My first blog post of my Ted Talk Series briefly explores Ikigai. You can read about it here.
A book by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles titled The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” shares that there are 10 rules of Ikigai. I think these are things that most of us do already.

Image Source – sloww.co/ikigai-book
Stay active: don’t retire, and living in the moment are two areas I would love to invite you to explore further as I will be doing so.
As you already know, I enjoy staying active. My previous blog post on the power of fitness goes into more detail. Living in the moment Is something I said I would bring into this new year. I touched on it in my previous blog post here.
This fourteen-minute Ted Talk by Australian author Ruth Clare titled “The pain of hiding your true self” Is a must-watch.
Mini summary
Ruth traveled across the world and paid a price. Her health was affected, although in the long run, it took her on her own personal journey . It’s a great story that touches on many topics, but she mostly became present with herself.
I hope we all spend the next four months exploring all areas on the rules of Ikigai.
What areas will you be focusing on?
Till next time,
Lots of love,