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The Magic Of Thinking Big – Book Review

Hey All,


This month I wanted to share with you another book review. Honestly speaking, the books I’ve been reading are simply too good to not talk about and share. You can read my previous book reviews here.


The title of the book I have most recently finished reading is the magic of thinking big by David J. Schwartz. Where do I even begin when it comes to writing about this book?! It is simply incredible. The title itself I don’t think gives much credit to the awesomeness that is bestowed within each page.


This book provides solutions! 


I would call this book a very practical self-help life guide that I think absolutely everyone would benefit from reading. Each chapter is filled with realistic and easy steps that can be applied to your daily routine for a more productive life.


My favorite chapters are “You are what you think you are” which demonstrate how our thoughts effect our work and in turn how people treat us. Ultimately, if your behaviour as though you are important because you believe you are people will treat you as such. Also, I really enjoyed reading “Manage your environment – go first class” this is a fantastic chapter that discusses the importance of managing our psychological diet. Our Psychological diet consists of the activities we do outside of work and how they affect our approach to life.


Schwartz also discusses the 4 main excuses we use to hold ourselves back which consist of health, age, intelligence, and luck, and how to eliminate them through our way of thinking. He challenges our mindset as a reader using examples such as how our brain has two station frequencies one positive and negative. Whichever one we tune into more is the one that feeds our thoughts and in turn our outlook on life.


This book will encourage you to become a doer!


Another practical outlook explored is that of what Schwartz calls the activationist and a passivationists. One is a person who actually does what is required and is hands-on and another that has a passive approach resulting in an accumulation of less rewarding and unimpressive results.

This book will challenge you to grow and change some of the ways you’ve been doing things.

I’m pretty certain if you are looking for an alternative way to approach things and change your mindset for the better you will benefit from reading this book. The resolution can be found in this book.


I can honestly say this book and Make today count are two of my favorite reads that and believe you will greatly benefit from reading.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this book review.

Till next time.

Lots of Love,

Sasha x

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