Hey friend,
Welcome back to my blog post for May. This month I wanted to continue on from my previous post and share a little on how I strengthened my relationship with God. In addition, I’ll be sharing my some of my favourite female Christian YouTuber Channels.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29.13
I believe the most important thing to mention here is, if God feels far away from you It probably isn’t him being distant it may be an issue on your end of the relationship. There could be a possibility that you have some distractions, idols, hobbies, or friendships in your life that could be hindering you from strengthening your relationship.
Secondly, we must remember that this is a personal relationship. This is between you and God, not Your pastor, your parents, and your favourite influencer. These people can be amazing vessels of Christ though no person can and or should take priority over your relationship with God.
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. John 15:4-11
Communication is key in every relationship. Here are a few things I did to assist in strengthening my relationship with Christ.
- Praying frequently – I pick a scripture for the week or one for the day that relates to my life circumstance. This would help me build my faith and pray more effectively.
- Creating space – I have a set time in the day every day where I’m still, quiet and present in the moment. This helps me to remove all earthly distractions and focus on what’s important.
- Building Faith! – And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. -Hebrews 11.6. I would say this is the most crucial of the three points as it takes time and patience to be faithful. I think consistently practicing the first two points on a regular basis helped me greatly.
This is where these YouTube channels come in. We know faith comes by hearing and watching these channels helped spark my faith tremendously. I discovered these channels in quarantine and they are amazing, I just had to share. Each lady is uniquely learning, growing and thriving in their walk with Christ. Angel is literally a light. She is so full of Godly wisdom. Melody is super enthusiastic about sharing what she’s learned regularly as she grows in faith. Alyssa is so full of positive energy. Her Storytimes are so faith-filled and encouraging. Milena is humble and entertaining and her content is very uplifing. I hope these channels bless you as much as they’ve blessed me.
Angel Ann Lyte
Melody Alisa
Alyssa Gordan
Milena Ciciotti
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this months post.
Till next time,
Loves of love